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Role & Structure 

Full Council meets every eight weeks. All meetings of the Council and its committees are open to the public and press, although confidential items occasionally arise from which the public and press are excluded. There is a period of time at the beginning of the full Council meeting where public participation is encouraged, to raise matters of concern and questions are answered.


At present Bovey Tracey Town Council have three committees;

  • Finance, Resources and General Purposes
  • Recreation Parks and Property
  • Planning and Environment 

These committees consider matters within their sphere of activity, with the exception of the Planning Committee whose deliberations are reported directly to the planning authorities. The membership of each committee is decided at the Council's Annual Meeting in May each year.

The Finance and General Purposes Committee considers all matters having a financial implication for the Council. It also considers any other matters affecting the Parish, which are the responsibility of the Council, but not being dealt with by the Recreation, Parks  and Property Committee. This committee also considers those matters relating to employees of the Council.


The Recreation Parks and Property Committee is responsible for all matters concerning the maintenance of buildings and freehold land owned by the Council and its use. These include:

  • The Town Hall
  • The Cemetery
  • The Allotments
  • The Recreation Ground
  • Mill Marsh Park
  • Bullands Field
  • Play areas at Mill Marsh Park & The Recreation Ground


The Planning and Environment Committee considers all planning applications received from the two planning authorities (Teignbridge District Council and Dartmoor National Park Authority) and after discussion communicates its observations directly to the two planning authorities. The Planning and Environment Committee also considers and comments on planning policies.


In addition to the formal committees, the Town Council, when necessary forms sub-committees, which have no power to make decisions, but consider the relevant matters in detail and make recommendations to the Council where appropriate. A sub-committee is more informal than a Committee and often co-opt people from outside the Council. They are not open to the public as of right, but a committee may admit members of the public if it wishes.