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Supporting Services to Bovey Tracey

Teignbridge District Council spans an area bounded by Dawlish and Teignmouth in the south, Buckfastleigh in the west, Chudleigh in the east and Moretonhampstead in the north. The main services Teignbridge District Council are responsible for include:

  • Environmental health
  • Council tax collection
  • Domestic refuse collection and recycling
  • Street and toilet cleaning
  • Planning
  • Car parks

The 3 District Councillors representing the residents of Bovey Tracey and Heathfield on Teignbridge District Council from a total of 48 members are:

  • Cllr Sally Morgan 07811825707
  • Cllr Martin Smith
  • Cllr Stuart Webster

Devon County Council (DCC) covers the whole of Devon except for Plymouth and Torbay, which have 'unitary' council status and is responsible for both District and County functions. DCC has 62 County Councillors in total, of which the parish of Bovey Tracey and Heathfield has one representative, County Councillor George Gribble (01626 832764). Devon County Council's main responsibilities include:

  • Education
  • Libraries
  • Social services
  • Highways
  • Waste disposal
  • Fire service

The government has published 'The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency' which requires parish councils which have a gross annual income or expenditure (whichever is the higher) of at least £200,000 to publish 'Public Data'.

The Government has implemented this Code of Practice for local authorities to provide greater transparency of public bodies, which is at the heart of their mandate to enable greater democratic accountability over how council tax and public money is spent. However, Public Data does not include personal information as this would contravene the Data Protection Act 1998. In accordance with the Code of Recommended Practice, Bovey Tracey Town Council makes the following information available:

Expenditure over £500

Our Schedule of Payments are approved at each meeting of the Council and therefore form part of the Minutes of that meeting. Should you wish to examine these payments please look at the Minutes page for Full Council.

Senior Employees

The Town Council is required to publish details of any senior employees (including job descriptions, responsibilities, budgets, and number of staff) earning over £50,000 per annum.

Bovey Tracey Town Council has no employees earning in excess of this sum.

Staff Structure and Current Vacancies

Bovey Tracey Town Council currently employs 4 members of staff headed up by the Town Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer. An organisational chart of the staff structure including Salary bands can be viewed here.

There are currently no vacancies.

Members Allowances and Expenses

The Town Mayor receives an annual allowance of £500 to enable him/her to undertake his/her duties during their time in office. Payments for this are shown in the schedule of payments identified above.

Financial Regulations

A copy of the Town Council's Financial Regulations can be viewed via this link.

Contracts and Tenders to businesses and voluntary, community, and social enterprise sector

A copy of any such contract or tender will appear in our news section and can be viewed via this link here.

Grants to the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise Sector

The Town Council sets aside a budget each year to support local organisations. All payments (which include grants) can be seen here within the Minutes of the Full Council meetings.

The Location of Public Land and Buildings

Asset Register to see a list of buildings and public land under the control of Bovey Tracey Town Council.

Constitution: Running of the Town Council

Local councils, unlike principal authorities are not required by law to adopt a constitution, however they do need to adopt Standing Orders and Financial Regulations and to have other governing documents such as a Member Code of Conduct and a Publication Scheme etc.  The Town Council's Standing Orders lay out how the business of the Council is conducted. A copy of Standing Orders can be viewed here.

The decisions of the Town Council are recorded in the minutes of meetings which can be viewed here.

Click here to find out who the local Councillors are. Councillors normally serve a four year term. The next elections will take place in May 2015.

For more information about the Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency please visit

Annual Fraud Assessment

The Risk Assessment of Financial and Non Financial Internal Controls (available here) is designed to ensure the Town Council meets its requriements to:

  • Maintain an adequate system of internal control including measures to prevent and detect fraud and corruption and to review its effectiveness
  • Assure members there are no matters of actual or potential non compliance with laws, regulations and codes of practice which could have a significant financial effect on the ability of the Council to conduct its business or on its finances
  • Carry out an assessment of risks facing the Council and demonstrate how these are managed
  • Maintain an adequate and effective system of internal audit of the Council’s accounting records and control systems and review their effectiveness

Annual Pay Multiple

The Pay multiple (defined as the ratio between the highest taxable earnings for the year and the median earnings figure of all staff) is: 1:2.24


The Localism Act 2011 requires councils to adopt a Code of Conduct that sets out the rules governing the behaviour and registration of interests of councillors when acting in their official capacity. A copy of the Bovey Tracey Town Council Code of Conduct for Members and Code of Conduct Complaint form can be downloaded from this page.

On 25th June 2012 Bovey Tracey Town Council adopted a Code of Conduct (reviewed and re-adopted in January 2023). The Code requires Councillors to have a duty to promote and maintain high standards of conduct and to act in accordance with the principles of public life, namely, selflessness, honesty, objectivity, accountability, openness, personal judgement, respect for others, duty to uphold the law, stewardship and leadership.

All Councillors are then required to register any interests they hold and all Town Councillors have completed the relevant paperwork, which is published on Teignbridge District Council’s website. Please click on the following link to view Councillors Register of Members Interest.  Bovey Tracey Town Council’s Code of Conduct can be accessed here.

How to complain

From 1st July 2012 the District Council was required by the Localism Act 2011 to have in place Arrangements for dealing with allegations that councillors and co-opted members had failed to comply with the Code of Conduct and also to investigate and determine those allegations. All complaints must be made in writing.

The District Council's arrangements cover Teignbridge councillors, councillors from the parish and town councils within Teignbridge and co-opted members of those councils. The relevant Code of Conduct and registers of interests can be found via links within this page.

If you wish to submit a complaint about the conduct of a councillor, please use the Code of Conduct complaint form below. Please note that the Council's Arrangements can only deal with complaints about the alleged conduct of councillors and co-opted members. It will not deal with any complaints about any of the District Council's officers or council policy, a Parish or Town Clerk, or other matters not covered by the Members' Code of Conduct. A full copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Complaints Procedure can be viewed here.

Code of Conduct Complaint Form

Address for submission of a written complaint:

The Monitoring Officer,
Teignbridge District Council,
Forde House,
Brunel Road,
Newton Abbot,
Devon TQ12 4XX

Tel: 01626 215113


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

On 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force.  Generally, the GDPR will not change the way we collect or handle your personal data but it will give you new rights.  Further down this page you will be able to access a number of documents which will aid the Town Council's compliance with the regulations.  Each document can be viewed by clicking on the document title:

You can find out more about the GDPR and the Data Protection Bill (which sets out how the GDPR will be applied in the UK) on the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website.


Bovey Tracey Town Council's Treasury & Investment Policy and its associated strategy are conducted in accordance with:

i) The Local Government Act 2003 (the Act) and supporting regulations

ii) The Government and Accountability in Egland and Wales, A Practitioners Guide.

iii) The statutory guidance on local government investments (issued subsequent to the Act) which requires the production of an Annual Investment Strategy and gives guidance on how this should be completed.


Risk Management Strategy

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Risk management Policy can be viewed here

Risk Management Register

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Risk Management Register can be viewed here 

Child Protection Policy

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Child Protection Policy can be viewed here

Safeguarding Policy

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Safeguarding Policy can be viewed here

Town Council Strategic Plan

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Strategic Plan can be viewed here

Communications & Engagement Strategy

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Communications and Engagements Strategy can be viewed here

Scheme of Delegation

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Scheme of Delegation can be viewed here

Committee Terms of Reference

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Committe Terms of Reference can be viewed here 

Environment Policy

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Environment Policy can be viewed here

Reserves Policy

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Reserves Policy can be viewed here

Whistleblowing Policy

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Whistleblowing Policy can be viewed here 

Asset Register

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Counci's Asset Register can be viewed here

Community Infrastructure Levy (CiL) Groups Policy

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's CiL Groups Policy can be viewed here 

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy can be viewed here

Volunteer Policy

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Volunteer Policy can be viewed here

Social Media Policy

A copy of Bovey Tracey Town Council's Social Media Policy can be viewed here

Emergency Plan

A copy of the Parish Emergency Plan can be viewed here

Green Events Policy

A copy of the Town Council's Green Events Policy can be viewed here

Management of Dogs Policy

A copy of the Town Council's Management of Dogs Policy for its Parks and Open Spaces can be viewed here 


The information in the attached table can either be downloaded for free from or where necessary can be requested from the Town Clerk. There will be no charge for emailed documents, however charges will potentially apply for hard copies and postage (where appropriate).

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