Do you love trees? Would you like to be involved in planting some trees in Bullands Field?
Friends of Mill Marsh Park and the Town Council plan to plant some young native trees in Bullands Field (the field across the river from Mill Marsh Park). We’ve been offered around 100 two year old whips by Devon Wildlife Trust which has a scheme to plant more trees across Devon (Saving Devon’s Treescapes). We hope that more tree planting will not only contribute to our efforts to address climate change but also benefit wildlife and those of us who use the field for recreation. Currently the field is mostly rough mown grass with trees and shrubs around the boundary and along the riverbank.
The field is used by Bovey Tracey Football Club for practice, and it is also a campsite and parking area during the Craft Festival. There is a full-sized football pitch marked out. It is also a popular dog walking area. Our aim will be to plant in a way which does not disrupt any of the current activities and which enhances the field for all users and, importantly, for wildlife. We also propose letting the grass grow long around the young trees to create more wildlife habitats.
We plan to plant in two main areas. The first is in the southwestern corner close to the river. This sunny corner would make an ideal site for around 30-35 smaller trees, including hawthorn, crab apple and rowan. We will probably plant in groups.
The second area is the rise at the northern corner near the bypass. When we visited in the morning it was in shade, but it would get sun in the afternoon. There are some larger trees on the boundary. DWT have suggested the following trees would do well there: birches, crab apples, wych elms, wild service trees. hornbeams, Devon white beam. There is a footpath in this section which comes into the field from the north. We would keep the footpath clear.
We may also do a small amount of planting at the eastern end of the field, next to the school field, but there is not a great deal of space, and a number of large overhanging trees, so that needs to be considered further.
The whips will be easy to plant, but we’ll be hoping to find a team of volunteers. It is likely we’ll be planting in January or February.
We’re keen to hear the views of those who live near the field or use it regularly. We understand that the people whose houses back onto it are happy about the plan. So if you would like to let us know what you think or would like to be involved in planting please do get in touch.
With many thanks.
Sue Simmons
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